Hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm, mm, mmm (guide to use in dialogue)
How many m’s in hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm and mmm? When do you use these expressions in dialogue?
How many m’s in hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm and mmm? When do you use these expressions in dialogue?
Your author About page is a chance to engage new readers and wow existing fans. But how do you tell your visitors about yourself in a unique, captivating way?
I’ve compiled this handy list of commonly confused English words to help you avoid making the same errors.
When designing your author website, remember content is king. Web design should be simple yet effective and never distract from the content.
When do you use commas before names? How about after them? And what about commas before titles of books or films? All will be revealed!
The fact you aren’t published yet is no reason to not have your own web presence. Discover why unpublished authors need a website.
Launching your author website isn’t simply a case of hitting the Publish button. Make your life easier with some simple prep and a controlled launch, and you’ll thank yourself later.
As we near the end of the year, it’s time to set your writer goals for the next 12 months. But where do you start?
Your author homepage needs to clearly show who you are and what you do, while enticing people to delve deeper into your site. Here’s how.
You are more likely to sell your book or your services if people see that others have enjoyed the experience. Here’s how it’s done.