Ampersand (&) or and?
The ampersand, despite having a charm and grace all of its own, is not welcome in all situations. Find out when to use ampersand or ‘and’.
The ampersand, despite having a charm and grace all of its own, is not welcome in all situations. Find out when to use ampersand or ‘and’.
Upwork can be a great place for editors and proofreaders, but many struggle to make it work for them. Here’s how I do it.
Discover the tools I use every day to save time and streamline my editing and proofreading business.
How many m’s in hm, hmm, hmmm, mm-hmm and mmm? When do you use these expressions in dialogue?
I’ve compiled this handy list of commonly confused English words to help you avoid making the same errors.
When do you use commas before names? How about after them? And what about commas before titles of books or films? All will be revealed!
The end of the year is the perfect time to set your editor goals for the next 12 months. Find out how to set strong editor goals.
You are more likely to sell your book or your services if people see that others have enjoyed the experience. Here’s how it’s done.
‘Lie’ and ‘lay’ are two of the most confusing words to use in either present or past tense, for native-English speakers and English learners alike. Become a ‘lay/lie’ guru with my guide!
It can be tricky to work out whether to use ‘which’ or ‘that’ at times. Does it even matter? (Spoiler: Yes). After you’ve read this post, you’ll never wonder again.