Line editing, copyediting and proofreading – which editor is for you?
You want to hire an editor, but which kind? Developmental, line or copy? Or is it a proofreader you need? My guide will help you.
You want to hire an editor, but which kind? Developmental, line or copy? Or is it a proofreader you need? My guide will help you.
If you’re a copyeditor (copy editor, copy-editor), there are three ways to write your job title. How do you choose the best one for you?
Ever wondered how to correctly write number ranges? Hyphen, en dash or em dash? Spaces or not? And whether to use ‘from’ and ‘to’ instead of all these pesky dashes? Wonder no more.
‘Lie’ and ‘lay’ are two of the most confusing words to use in either present or past tense, for native-English speakers and English learners alike. Become a ‘lay/lie’ guru with my guide!
It can be tricky to work out whether to use ‘which’ or ‘that’ at times. Does it even matter? (Spoiler: Yes). After you’ve read this post, you’ll never wonder again.