Stay ahead of the rest with my editing and proofreading services for your novel, nonfiction book or website.
If you’re looking for a friendly editor and proofreader with proven experience and training, I’m here to help.
I specialise in the following but also edit a wide variety of other content:
- books set in France
- mysteries and thrillers
- historical fiction
- memoirs and autobiographies
- web content
As a writer myself, I understand the need to find a trustworthy, dependable editor—someone who will give your work the same level of care and attention that you have given it.
I graduated from the University of Oxford in 2001. Since then, I have clocked up 20 years of experience working with content of all types (including in-depth knowledge of presenting web content). I’m a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and a Partner Member of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi).
I’m based in the UK but also edit US, Australian and Canadian English.
Services for authors and publishers
Line editing
I will carefully work through your manuscript line by line to improve word choice, flow and sentence structure, while taking care to retain your unique author’s voice.
I will check for a broad range of problems, including grammar, spelling and punctuation, flow, style and author voice. I will also carry out a degree of fact-checking.
I will work on your designed, typeset proof, seeking errors that have crept in during revision, plus formatting, layout, page numbering, headers, footers, table of contents and more.
First 10,000 words
An affordable option to discover ways to improve your whole manuscript. You will receive a line edit and/or copyedit, style sheet and editorial report.
Sample edit
Try before you buy! I’ll edit or proofread up to 2,500 words of your choice and a short editorial report containing advice you can apply to your whole book.
Services for website owners
Web text editing
I have an extensive background in web marketing. I will line-edit and copyedit your web text before you upload it to your site, bearing in mind web best practice, SEO, accessibility and other web-related aspects.
Website proofreading
I will proofread your website on desktop and a mobile device, either before you launch it or once it is already live. I will check for language issues and make suggestions to improve your site’s SEO, accessibility and usability.
Unsure which service you need?
Drop me a line or read my blog post that explains the difference between the different kinds of editing and proofreading.
I can also provide a sample edit that shows the difference between line editing and copyediting.
Simply provide a sample of up to 2,500 words, and for £100 (US$130), I’ll carry out both a line edit and a copyedit on the same section, so you can compare the two services. This includes a short editorial report containing advice you can apply to your whole book.
If you then hire me for a full edit, I will deduct the cost of the sample edit from the total amount.
Save 10% off your next edit
I offer a referral scheme, by which you and a fellow author or business can enjoy 10% off your next edit! Simply refer a potential client to me, and if they hire me for a full edit or proofread, they will get 10% off their first edit. What’s more, you will also get 10% off your next edit or proofread. Everyone’s a winner!
Please read my contract of services for full details of what to expect regarding service, payment and contractual arrangements.