My website proofreading service checks your website before you launch it, or once it is already live.

None of us are perfect. Errors creep into final versions and are easily missed when you are too close to the content.

Your website is usually the first port of call for your customers/readers/clients. First impressions matter, and if your webpages contain text errors or layout issues, they will turn to your competitors.

I can help you significantly reduce the errors on your site and improve the SEO and accessibility of your content.

What you get

Take advantage of my affordable website proofreading service to save embarrassment and loss of income.

I will check for:

  • errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • inconsistencies in the text
  • factual inaccuracies
  • layout issues (eg. elements misaligned)
  • opportunities for SEO (search engine optimisation)
  • common accessibility issues

I will also provide you with a bespoke style sheet, showing details of editorial decisions made and language styles used. This is useful to ensure consistency now and in the future, and is something you can use as a basis for a style guide.

Please note that, although this is not a comprehensive multi-browser, multi-platform, multi-device check, I can check your site using more than one browser and device if requested, as sometimes issues (layout, formatting) will occur on one browser/device but not another. Your analytics will show you which browsers and devices your visitors most commonly use.

I can also check image alt text and other ‘behind-the-scenes’ text at your request.

My process

If a site is live, I usually proofread each webpage in a browser (checking on laptop and mobile) and provide feedback in a spreadsheet template. Some clients prefer marked-up images or a PDF, although this isn’t my preference as it can get busy very quickly.

I check for not only the usual website proofreading elements, but also (thanks to my webby background) for accessibility, usability and SEO issues.

If a site isn’t yet live, some clients are happy to give me a login and I edit directly in the back-end. Other clients send me a Word doc with the text, and I’ll carefully go through it.

Delivery of results

I will provide the results of your website proofread in the format most convenient for you. This could be:

  • a spreadsheet (Google Sheets or Excel). I have created a template for this purpose.
  • marked-up screenshots in a PDF (this may not be the best approach, as it can get busy very quickly)
  • marked-up image files (as above, this can get busy quickly)

What my clients say


My pricing is competitive and depends on the length of your pages and how much attention they require (eg. complexity of design, number of issues). Please get in touch to discuss further.


Contact me today to discuss your requirements.